Monday, April 18, 2011

A weekend of planting, rain and bees

Three days on the farm this weekend netted us more crops in the ground, more rain and more bees.

We put in a row of snow peas just below the other beans peas we had planted last week. Then I skipped a few rows and planted some okra next to the onions, which, along with the potatoes, are beginning to poke their leaves through the ground. The rows of potatoes are becoming distinct -- and so are the weeds. The yellow corn we planted a bit more than a week ago is also coming up. We need to do some tilling/weeding soon.

Here's the garden at present:

Row 6
(east to west): Yukon Gold; mixture
Row 7: Red Gold; Russian banana (fingerlings)
Row 8: Russian bananas
Row 9: French fingerlings
Row 10: Peanut fingerlings
Row 11: Onions
Row 12: Okra
Row 13:
Row 14:
Row 15:
Row 16:
Row 17: Snow Peas
Row 18: Beans | Peas
Row 19: Beans | Peas
Row 20: Yellow corn
Row 21: Yellow corn
Row 22: Yellow corn
Row 23: Yellow corn
Row 24: Peanuts


It started raining late Friday night and came on hard all night long. By morning, it had quit but had left 2.5 inches in and on the ground. The timing was pretty perfect. Saturday was bright and clear -- too muddy to get into the garden but nice enough to allow other work to be done.


John and I acquired two complete hives on Saturday night. A member of the association wanted to sell them, and we jumped at the chance to get them. They were in great shape. The guy who had them had been exceptionally meticulous in caring for them and estimated there were 60,000 in each hive.

We placed them up in the barnyard, just beyond the toolshed.

We now have a dozen hives on the place. Lots of bees.


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